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Have you been thinking that straighter teeth would improve the appearance of your smile? Are misaligned or unevenly spaced teeth causing you dental health issues? The Barounis Dental team can help you explore the possibilities of our Invisalign aligners!


Barounis Dental is proud to offer Invisalign aligners to our patients. We believe that Invisalign is the best possible treatment for achieving a straighter, healthier smile you’ll love!

Invisalign is one of the most popular brands of clear aligners and are a great option for our adult orthodontic patients. Invisalign treatment consist of custom-molded, durable plastic aligners that are replaced every two weeks to straighten your teeth slowly and effectively.

When you come in for Invisalign treatment, we will evaluate your smile and dental health goals and create a custom Invisalign plan just for you, complete with 3D imaging of the expected results. We supply you with a series of clear aligners that progressively straighten your teeth!

Because Invisalign’s aligners made of a high-quality clear plastic, when you wear them, they are virtually unnoticeable. Invisalign helps you achieve a straighter smile without the self-consciousness that can be caused by traditional metal braces.

In addition to Invisalign can also be used to correct alignment problems that may be affecting your ability to easily chew or swallow. The Invisalign aligners can fix the misalignment of teeth which may be compromising the health of your jaw and smile.

Invisalign versus Traditional Braces

Most Invisalign patients find that Invisalign aligners are more comfortable to wear than traditional braces. Invisalign’s smooth plastic aligners prevent the mouth irritations cause by metal braces when they rub up against the soft tissue in your mouth.

Woman with invisible braces

With Invisalign, there are none of the food restrictions that come with traditional braces. While you need to clean your teeth and the aligners after you eat or drink, they are easy to take out and put back on, giving you all of the straightening benefits of traditional braces without the restrictions.

Invisalign aligners should be worn at least 22 hours a day, and only be removed to eat, drink, and to follow your regular oral care routine. Depending on your individual alignment goals, Invisalign aligners are typically worn anywhere from 6 to 18 months, which is usually less time than is required by traditional braces.

While you don’t need to see our Invisalign specialists every time you change your set of Invisalign aligners, it is good to meet regularly during treatment to chart your progress. When you straighten your teeth with Invisalign, we closely follow your progress to ensure optimal results!

Adjusting to Your Invisalign Aligners

With each new set of Invisalign aligners, you may experience some slight discomfort at first, as moving the teeth into the proper placement can cause pressure. That pressure lessens quickly as your teeth adjust to their new position. If your aligners are causing lasting discomfort, you should let our dental care providers know right away.

The Cost of Invisalign

Invisalign aligners are usually not covered by dental insurance plans, but we have a variety of options available to cover the cost of Invisalign. The team at Barounis Dental can advise you about financing options for Invisalign.

If you are interested in improving the health and appearance of your smile, we encourage you to schedule a consultation. With our Invisalign aligners, the Barounis Dental team can help you achieve a beautiful smile that you’ll be proud to show the world! Schedule an appointment at Barounis Dental in Foxborough, MA today!

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